Time waits for no one, there is no saying for me that compares to this one. What is time? Time could be calculated in years, weeks, days, minutes and seconds, but what is sure about time is that it is always there ticking over, you can’t stop it, nor can you speed it up or slow it down. “Only time makes life busy”.

Mr time, he controls everything

Not many people these days have much spare time on their hands, as most people need to be somewhere yesterday. People base life around time and they easily become a slave/victim to it. We tell ourselves to hurry, hurry, be on time, don't be late, go to sleep, wake up, eat, watch TV, keep appointments, pick the kids up, visit friends, go to the toilet, nothings natural. We put so much emphasis on keeping track of time. It’s only after you die that time is of no importance. I sit and stare for what I believe to be just a minute or so, then I look at the clock and am shocked to discover an hour or two has gone by.

Because time is getting scarce, we look for ways to give us time. We have drive through food outlets, coffee stores, banks, laundry services and car washes. We have and pay for house cleaners, gardeners, dog walkers, cooks and child minders. Busy people do not even have time to prepare food anymore, which is why frozen meals a becoming so popular. We rush to buy and eat our lunch, just to be back at work by a certain time. We don’t go to the toilet as often as we should because it takes to long. People take the stairs if they only need to go 1 or 2 floors, not for exercise but because the elevator just takes to long.

Give someone some extra spare time, and they’ll sure find another way to spend it. History of innovations has proved this over and over. You’d think when someone invented something to halve the time to do something, they would go, great I’ll take a breather, but no, we go head long into the mistake of there is something to do.

People become addicted to having to be doing something. In the cities people flock to the stops, not because they need something, but because they need something to do. Sunday used to be a day of rest, you would only find private businesses open. Today, the weekends are so busy in shopping centres and malls, it makes you wonder what people did 20 years ago. Did people go on a picnic, go for a nice drive up in the mountains, play sport and or did they just spend good time together at home as a family unit. What ever it was, it was not spending time wasting money buying things they don’t need. With so many things to do these days, no-one knows what to do with themselves if they have a spare 5 min.

With the advent of every new time-saving advance in technology, we still have to keep in mind that we should control our "free" time. Just because technology has helped to eliminate or reduce the time it takes to do something doesn't mean we have to fill the void with something else. Over the past several years, people are placing much higher price on their "free" time. Making your life so busy, that you have no time left to enjoy the things that make you happy, can make even the most freely going person tired and cranky. Technology can be your friend if you just let it help you reduce the demands on your time, and not let it give you more time to add new demands.

“Spend time with your family, and most of all, spend time by yourself, because you will never now when time will be no more”