
I am going to try to reveal the beauty of the monster I see, the dragon under our beds that grows without people seeing it!

We perceive our world, our way of living, as wonderful because there is nothing else to distinguish ourselves with, there is no other world we see. One lives in this world, the globalized world of high technology and science fed by greed of wants, all one can see is one layer of commodity piled upon another. In our constructed world, the "original" is from the reproduction of quality; no reproduction is at best quality. Hence copies are copies of copies based from an original that is slowly fading in quality. The original is innocence, the state, quality, or fact of being innocent of a crime or offence..are we capable of that?

There seems to be little, if no ability to see beyond the now. We have to ungracefully acknowledge and blindfully accepted that we have encased ourselves in such an artificial environment that the reality of our future predicament is almost unrecoverable due to our capitalist culture, which we feed. We do not live in harmony with nature any longer; we live way above it. Nature has become the slave to our imperfection.


Pursuing truth, carries the risk that will not be pleasant to many, which seems to be always the case, such as the main photo background image of Socrates Death. There is no joy in exploring the source of disturbing social changes. Despair is the over-riding feeling that accompanies the principle that humanity is plummeting into a new dark age...the lose of self and of worth, both as an individual and social member.

I started writing my mind back in 2001, but my thoughts have been there since a child as I observed the world around me, and too become a involuntary member of the machine. I have not read many books as really did not want to be lead by other thoughts and ideas, but have done much random investigation into some of the thinking of those who wrote. It gives me some contentment to see my thoughts seem typical with some of those, and my thinking is one trying to understand..what is a human and it place in the world. I have been kind, preferred to help others, yet others have forced me into not wanting to have much to do with others. They steal, lie, put down and ignore to protect this true nature of most..ignorance over innocence?

A short visionary view of future - Mark Donnelly

We have been told untruths all our lives. Reality is not at all what we have perceived it to be. We are told we live on a wonderful world, a world that would last forever, this was once truth, but is a lie. This wonderful world is turning bad and dying, just like the story of Easter Island where man destroyed themselves there, the powers to be are hiding the same willful ignorance I ask?

We cannot survive any longer by hanging onto the dishonesty of the past. Reality of life and living must be distinguished at all costs if we are to be a part of the future. Truth must succeed in all instances, no matter whom it hurts or helps, if we are to continue to live and survive on this earth as a species, we need to learn from the mistakes of the past no matter how hard the journey. At this point of truth, what we want may no longer matter, wealth may not matter, recognition may not matter, and status may not matter. It is what we must do to ensure our survival that counts. The old ways, the current ways, and the mapped future ways, is in the sure course of destruction.

If we do not act in synergy with each other and our environment and ensure that the future becomes what we need it to be, then we will surely deserve whatever fate awaits us, and this anticipated fate as I see it, will be that we will fall on our sorry ass with no-one to blame but ourselves.

It seems all too easy to think we can just change the course we’re heading, but man is lazy.

“We can change our psyche quick, but to change ones attribute, takes time” MD, by this I mean, we think about the global problems when we see them on TV etc and think we can and will change how we do things, but the next day we just keep on doing what we’ve always done and we soon forget what yesterday showed us as we are wrapped up in the now.

Each one of us has to participate in the reduction of the things that are bringing this world to an end, we could stop driving fuel-guzzling cars now, but we don’t, we could use more environmentally friendly power, but we don’t, we could control population, but we don’t, we could stop deforestation, but we don’t. We are currently too comfortable to care about the future and you want that new thing...sorry future 
I once read a saying “never kill off your host” well just as a parasite kills off its host, we humans are killing off our host…earth.

This Site is no where near complete and many topics have not been added yet, and all just draft...


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Like this matters - Copyright© 2000 Mark Donnelly, All Rights Reserved

I am an innocent man!


Oh Boy... is life really that bad

What is this existence that we exist in? Are we truly happy with the way we be, and where we are heading? Do we really care enough about tomorrow? Or do we just know that there is nothing we can do about all the growing and reciprocal problems and that it is best to just turn our backs and look in the other direction. The way I see it, is that we cannot go back without extrinsic force, we cannot slow down, we are destined to fail in this consideration as the burden of our desire to dominate is too great. 

If we stop or even slow our population growth, if we limit technology and reduce waste to save our planet, we will still collapse as employment (monetary system) will be lessened and very few people will have the ability to participate in the cycle of debt. Look at the great depression of the 1930s; the flow of money circulating due to lack of work caused the great depression. The society we have created for ourselves is based on trade, and with trade comes competition. Regardless if money is used, or if gold, water or some other commodity is used; it is still an IOU system. Someone will always sit at the top supplying all those who need.

If we keep speeding along into uncertainty like we are; taking, spending, consuming, and destroying everything that gets in our way, it is not hard to see that sooner or later we will come to a tipping point that can only have one ending...failure.

I am only part way through my existence (but I do not really know how far along I am because I could die tomorrow, it’s like asking how long is a piece of string, how deep is a hole), and if I make it past all the percentages that you hear every day about what may kill you, like cancer, strokes, accidents, work, war etc, I suppose I’ll be happy.

I have been up, and I have been down, just like the saying “life is like a roller coaster” I have been though a lot already in my short time of this existence. I have learned many things, and I have searched for many answers to my many worldly questions, questions I raise in quite introverted solitude. I still don’t know if the answers are right to any my questions and I am guessing that there are many other people who will never find the answers either, no matter how hard they search. 

I don’t think we are smart enough to find answers to such simple problems.

I have asked myself many times; is all this thinking and research really worth it? I don’t know, but what I do know is that at least I am a person who thinks about us, the world and its many growing problems, and by writing down my thoughts and putting them out there, regardless if people are interested in reading my thoughts or not, makes me feel content that maybe just one person may get a little bit more understanding by way of understanding ourselves, who we really are, and where we are going.

Everybody will have their own philosophies, ideals and morals about life and living, so remember while reading this book, that these are my beliefs derived from my experiences and exploration of existence so far. I am in no way trying to change or convince anyone of a better philosophy or religion. Don’t get me wrong, I would love to change what 99.9% of the population think is right and moral based on my ideology; I would love to change the world, but who says my way is right? Is your way right?

I do not choose to disapprove or ridicule anyone else’s beliefs or philosophies, everyone to their own, but I do disapprove people trying to preach onto me about their beliefs if they’re not interested in critical thinking and debating, and especially if those put me down for no valid reason. We all learn knowledge from different sources; like from books, TV, parents, friends, schooling etc, no-one is right and no-one is wrong on any subject about life in their own single minded views, despite what society agrees upon. If you believe that what you think is right or wrong is the best way, then follow it, as long as it does not hurt or affect anyone else. That’s all that really matters as a moral person, not hurting or manipulating anyone else. 

You should not try and base your life around making others happy. This will only cause you to not be true to yourself, this will send you down a never-ending spiral and into melancholy, because you will slowly learn that you will never have what other people have. You’ll learn that the grass is never greener on the other side. So open your mind to everything around you, listen, observe, because by doing this, you’ll become a little more educated about everything!

If you are still reading and haven’t yet put this book back onto the cheap sale pile, shows that at least you have an open mind, and that you are willing to take the valuable time out of your life to open your mind to what someone else thinks who has no social reverence. I would like to think of myself as a critical thinker and as a visionary. Sadly, many visionaries and philosophers (like Socrates) were killed because they thought outside of the square other created, and all I can say is that I am glad that I don’t live back in those days where thinking atypically got you killed. It must be said here though, that I am not totally enjoying living in this universal time either, where divergent, critical thinking can still outcast you from the normal social ways of others. I have always been a little different and a bit eccentric, but that’s the difference between what’s ordinary and safe to what is different and risky. The world was not created by closed minds and no no’s.

For corrupting the youth and interfering with the religion of the city, Socrates was sentenced to death in 399 B.C.E. Accepting this outcome with remarkable grace, Socrates drank hemlock and died in the company of his friends and disciples. All because he thought differently.

If you believe that we currently live in a trouble free world and think every-thing is just moving along fine, and that we, the human species will live on for eternity without any major hassles or setbacks that we have created, then this book is not for you. If you have not yet realised the destruction to our world, the diminishing of social respect and order, and or you do not care about the future because you live in the “me now” generation, then I am sorry to say that you are part of the problem and not the solution.

So it’s your free choice to read this book, but ask yourself, what is it that you want to get out of reading a book full of negatives? What aspect of our global crisis grabs you most? Is it the destruction of our rain forests? Using all our finite resources? Overpopulation? Devastation of marine life? Unethical leaders? Fantasy economics? Land ownership? Third World poverty? Giant dams? Pollution? Armaments? Disease? pollution? Social corruption? Greed and or failing morality.

The choice to learn more is obviously broad and no informed person would deny that these and other of the many factors are very real elements which all help to constitute a crisis which now envelops all human affairs. However, there is always a need to ask; what is it that is spiraling us into a world of suffering and self imposed chaos? Is there a common link which relates them all to a single cause?

Let us turn the question around. Would a resolution of any one of these problems we face result in a world free from the crisis we are heading towards? Would third world increase in wealth lessen pollution? Would ethical investment defuse the population bomb? Would organic farming halt environmental damage? Would proper care of rain forests stop the madness of motorway construction, farming land and our need for palm oil? No, I don’t think so, it’s all a means to an end, an end of what we know as free growth.

These sorts of questions may appear naive and might well evoke the response that if all the elements of the crisis were tackled together, the crisis itself would disappear. Perhaps it would, but what then is prompting leading scientists to try and reduce the effects of what we are doing to the earth and earthlings? Is it the fear that we have stuffed up everything so much that it might be too late to reverse any of our wrongdoings! Why is it that it that is so obvious that we cannot keep populating and growing with our capitalist mindsets that government keeps wanting us to push forward into continual growth, is it the greed that has us so wrapped up. 

Most people I would have to say would have no informed opinion or even a casual concern for any of these social or global matters. This is because it has not affected their pockets or stomachs in any way as yet. You see, we humans are reactive in nature and only ever deal with issues after they have occurred. So, the fact that when we are affected, as undoubtedly we will be, people are likely to provoke the emergence of harsh and irrational programs, because we humans always seem to learn only from our mistakes, and unfortunately, most of our mistakes that we do are very big and affect everything. Who is to blame for all our mistakes? I would blame Mother Nature (whatever brought us into being), as she is what gave us greed, and greed is our ultimate pitfall. Think about it for a minute; all our problems, and everything in some way or another can be linked back to greed.


We have many social problems in this country,

·         Inequality has increased considerably.

·         Full time employment is decreasing.

·         There are many people living in poverty considering our supposed better quality of life. (A smart society would be lessening this issue)

·         Youth suicide is increasing, doubling for Australian males in the last generation.

·         The sense of security and safety has declined greatly. A generation ago people felt safer on the streets, were more able to leave doors unlocked, could let their children go out unsupervised. We were worried less about unemployment or being able to pay for illness or aged care.

·         Incidences of anxiety, stress and depression have increased greatly, now possibly 10 – 20 times as common as it was 20 years ago. People’s lives are becoming increasingly meaningless, both at work and privately.

·         Drug and alcohol problems have escalated. A generation ago there was almost no hard drug problem in Australia. Now we have a large supply industry leaving many people with ruined lives, family breakdowns, and serious problems relating to crime. These problems would hardly exist if people were not bored, anxious, deprived, stressed and discontented, or had access to healthy and supportive, collaborative communities.

·         The health and effectiveness of the family unit are a growing concern. There is a high rate of family breakdown. The family and community have less influence in socialising children than they used to, compared with the media and commerce. Both parents are less often at home, and grandparents and relatives hardly get together.

·         "Welfare" services provided by the state are being cut. States are slashing spending on welfare at the very time when people are becoming more isolated and insecure because of the lessening of jobs.

·         Public services are deteriorating. Many public institutions and services are being cut back, eliminated or sold off, or transformed into corporations that charge unjustly that must maximise profits.

·         There are too few hospitals. More than 1/3 of Americans have no health insurance. Australia is heading in the same direction of expensive private health care services for the few, and inadequate or no provision for the poor.

·         There is the death of rural towns. All around the world the global economy is destroying rural life due to technology. The economy does not need many people in the countryside any longer as machines can do more. We live in a society that pays low wages for hard work, who wants to do that. Food is a cheap community and has less value than perfume and fancy clothes.

·         Public life has deteriorated. Most people live only within their private world and have little to do with public affairs or cooperative activity intended to benefit their society. How many people contribute voluntarily to community working bees or committees, or regularly attend public meetings to discuss local issues?

The Government and the majority of the public think that if you throw enough money at any problem, that is the way you’ll solve it. I simply can't accept this basic theory other than they want to keep the general public thinking that they are doing the job we expect them to do. I don't believe most of our social problems can be solved by just spending money without tangible solutions. We need workable plans that collaborates everyone and every level, we need not just to respect the rights of the rich and important people, as they are not the only ones who contribute to the forwarding of life, we also need to insure the poor are contributing and feel as though they are a part of the structure.

I don't have much confidence in a lot of our social programs, as I don't think most of these so-called programs work on a large social scale. Let us investigate a few examples. Schooling; children have not been graduating from our schools with the ability to read or write properly, (I was a prime example). This has been a concern for many years, and I’d have a guess that this problem would most likely go as far back to the inception of education for social sculpting. What is the solution? The Governments solution is to raise the salaries of the teachers, and or spend lots of money on school equipment, unproven programs etc. These will work to some degree, but the real problem with our education system as a whole? In my opinion, is that it comes down to the teaching methods of the teachers, and the curriculum processes in which they are expected to educate. Teachers are only tools, just like a computer or a book. For instance, say someone writes a mathematical computer program and that program is full of inaccurate data, the person learning that program will think that what they have learned is correct, they will not know any different. i.e. 1+1=3.

Most educational programs educate children with the wrong priorities in regard to the subject of life as a whole. We basically learn nothing about general life; only history and theories, things like the theory of becoming successful (win at all costs), reaching that goal, having all you desire. A solution in preparing our children to face an ever-changing future could lie in changing some of the topics or at best including some topics such as social psychology. I believe in a strong emphasis on teaching the fundamentals of life and in the importance of social standards, ethics, and honesty, which is needed in a respectful society, not ony through school, but also into the big wide world. I don’t feel children are taught how to respond to others through proper education classes, only through teachers saying indirectly to students, don’t do this and don’t do that without any valid reasoning. We are not taught how to happily exist in a fast changing materialistic world, if we were, many would not be out trying to reach those high expectant goals and buying those things that they think will bring them happiness. We would be more content and appreciate the simple things we have if our goals were realistic. Most children, if not mentored by enlightened parents, do not even understand the basic principles of morality and compassion. Our culture is about competition and winning at all costs.

How do we solve the many social problems of our society? Let me ask some questions:

1. How do we save an alcoholic from himself?

2. How do we save a drug addict from himself?

3. Or a gambler?

4. How does one save such people from the powerful desires and forces within them that are carrying them to their destruction?

5. How do we stop paedophiles?

6. How do we help people with mental issues?

With social programs or psychological therapy
Yes, perhaps psychological therapy and social programs of the right type, based on the true understandings of the problems and where they originate from could be of some use, but I simply have little confidence in the many social programs that a growing majority seem to need (at this point we have to ask why are people breaking down more than ever). This linear and mechanistic goal setting in our immoral materialist society has forgotten to include the education of basic good sound morals, period! If people were taught good social and personal morals from the beginning, and the government and private business actually cared about people; not their egos and pockets, many of the programs that fill our society today I feel would not be needed. We simply have created for ourselves a pyramid culture where the gaps between anything are vast.

“They say a pyramid scheme is illegal, funny how almost all governments and business operate in pyramid system in some manner”

Due to all our increasing problems, the solution for people who are struggling to meet the expectations of our social arrangement in some way or another (which in the majority of cases may not be caused solely from their own choices) is to seek help from so called educated professionals. But guess what these professionals will say to someone who has been forced to need help, “I can only help you if you want to be helped”. This seems to ease the pressure of not being able to “cure” the patient if their program fails. i.e. Oh that person, too far gone for me to help them.

“I went to one Dr and they told me I had bipolar, I then went to the next Dr and they said I was ADD, they both prescribed drugs without any real understanding, what a joke”

Many so-called mental issues/disorders are made up from people who exhibit divergent thinking; they are not like the norm. A child who is quite and unheard is not called a UDD (un-intention deficit disorder). Just because you are a very clean person, does not always warrant to be labelled with derogative condition like OCD. Just because you are sensitive and in tune to your emotion senses does not justify being told you “you have a mental condition” like Bipolar. Just because you are sad does not mean you suffer from depression, you are suffering from sadness, a natural state when you are not getting what you want. There is much being written about this topic (search; The Myth of Mental Illness) and it is worth to have a read to get a full understanding of the spin people (mostly expert Dr, Prof etc) tell us to make money.  

I have to ask; is learning from a text book really going to solve people’s problems on a personnel level? I don’t think it does as there are too many scenario factors that cause thoughts (good or bad). If reading could, criminals would never commit another crime again after they leave jail. They could be reprogrammed on what was right and wrong. My point here is that everyone is different and they will respond in many different ways no matter how you to assist them. How do you really know what someone is thinking or going through to be able to help them.

Is it someone’s fault they lose their job to new technologies? Is it someone’s fault they have worked for a boss that is an insecure a bully? Is it someone’s fault they were constantly bashed and or raped as a child or sexually abused at an orphanage? No, but as stressful as these original event were that contributed to their problem was, it is also their sole responsibility to seek help to try and fix a problem that wasn’t caused by them in the first place, this adding more issues into the arena. I like many have been treated unfairly by managers and this has cost me much. It would be very satisfying to me to see these people take ownership of their behaviour and have to pay for their immoral ways.

Homelessness is a major problem all over the world. How do you stop it?

I believe psychological therapy used for treating many of these addictions, depression states and other disorders is mostly a delusion. Most people just want someone to talk to, to be listened to and maybe find out there battles are similar to many. How can you get truly insightful help from someone that has not suffered themselves in anyway? To really help someone I think you need to have walked in their shoes at some point in time. Most of these so-called professionals come from good backgrounds and have never had any major setbacks in their lives. So it is for this reason that I don't think psychological therapy does some people any good, nor does it offer anything useful to the strong-minded individuals. I mean, when you really think about the visitations to see someone, its time governed and sporadic. I know, this is all we cannot afford as a society, but it’s not really set up in the best interest of the person. If we lived in a small community/family group, the help would be available at anytime.

A higher percentage of people who are not thinking in a positive or productive way, come from the underprivileged families and communities. If these people are the ones who really need the help, I must ask, how do you think these people (or society) can pay for proper psychiatric help if it costs on average $100/hour per session, and if they are allegeable for government assistance, when do they ever get to see these professionals at a time when they need to, and what quality professionals do you think these professionals are, all the good ones would not work in the public sector where the monetary rewards are at there lowest.

I think some psychiatrist’s can confuse some people more than they can help them. This is simply due to giving common problem answers from the masses they hear and from the books they have read. You don’t practically learn to drive a car from someone who has never been behind the wheel. They will be able to teach you the basic skills they have heard and or read about, but not teach from practical experience. I believe the best people who can offer help to others are the people are the non textbook trained only people. People whom have been through an experience and who have had the strength to move on and better themselves, people like: reformed prisoners, rehabilitated anorexic sufferers, drug addicts etc. This not only has the benefit of practical teaching, but also offers the confidence in that the person whom has the problems trusts the Councillor as; they have been there.

Our society has many problems. Children can become divergent in their way of thinking as they grow up through the laziness, neglect and or abuse of their parents. How do you solve this? Do you take them away from their parents? Maybe an answer would be to make future parents go through and pass practical classes about how to raise a child properly before they are allowed to have a child! (Now that would raise some eyebrows) Who decides what represents neglect or abuse? Who acts as judge? Who do you give the children to? Are you sure they will go to a better place? We know for a fact that boarding schools, yes even religious ones, and other forms of outside of family housing have been the cause of many psychological problems by way of various abuses. We have the problem of homelessness in Australia, why? We do not live in a third world country. It is concluded that there are now over 45,000 homeless children aged under the age of 25 across Australia. Of these, approximately 8,000 to 9,000 are in the 12 to 15 age group. There are estimated to be up to a further 50,000 children at risk of becoming homeless (from ABS).

On any given night in Australia, over 105 000 people are homeless. This figure does not take into account any effects that the global financial crisis and its impact on our economy, labour force and the most vulnerable in our society has had to deal with.

Most Australians are only a few steps away from becoming homeless or living below the poverty line. If we lost our job today, how many of us could guarantee a roof over our head past a few months? Census data shows that homelessness affects everyone in society for different reasons. Of the 105,000 people who experience homelessness, about 40,000 of them are young people under 25. Almost half (44 per cent) are women and just over 12,000 are children under 12 years of age, who are likely to be escaping domestic violence. About one in four people (26,790) are homeless were families with children.

Given that homeless services are already stretched to its limits, it is troubling to think how they will manage as unemployment and social problems starts to increase more and things really start to get tough. As you will read through this book, we cannot keep growing and creating jobs like we do. Once the population levels out, what are we going to be building? What work will all the construction industry do? We are heading for troubled times.

The government and minister of family affairs both agree that people should start working together about homelessness before it is too late; well I agree that we should all hold hands and help each other, and that the world be as one with everyone earning the same salary regardless of position, but this is a fallacy and out society does not work by treating people with equality...

What can be done about the homelessness? There is not a great deal as there will always be extreme polar ends as people do not like to “give up” things. Like most social issues that face us now, the problem is just too diverse and the origins too complicated to attempt to start working together to solve it. It is easier to say we need to do something than do it now. I have been hearing this since I can remember.

I’m sure I read somewhere that it costs between $200,000 and $400,000 to raise a privileged child to the age of 18, that’s more than a person on the welfare earns as a whole in that same time frame. How do you stop single women who deliberately fall pregnant in order to qualify for the welfare and who uses children as a free meal ticket? If the average cost to raise a “privileged child” is $200,000 plus; is the research proving that spending anything less on that child is below average? Is the research saying that if you cannot afford to spend that amount of money on your privileged child, expect your child to fail in life? I read it as yes in most cases.

We also have the problem of thousands of people who are unemployed and living off welfare. What is the solution? In a perfect world (a world in which the government says is achievable… joke), everyone would have a job in which they were making ample money to provide a good standard of living for themselves and their family (Prime minster Bob Hawk once said that no child will be living in poverty in 1990, what happened here, another lie to win a vote). In addition to having a job, the job would be interesting and fulfilling, the worker would be respected by their bosses and they would love going to work. If they didn't like their job, they would be given another job or easily move onto another role.

But how do you create a system that gives this kind of ideal? How do you insure that an economy can produce a rewarding and satisfying job for everyone?

Maybe as a start we should stop replacing jobs with robots and technology and the importing of cheap foreign labor. If there are not enough jobs for everyone today (with over 30 hrs a week), what do you do about the people left out without one? Let them live below the poverty line as a means of punishment? And if you start offering to many free-bees to people who have no jobs, how do you stop people who do have jobs (but dislike working for a living) from quitting their jobs and getting in line to collect these free luxuries?

When most of the jobs in our society require a certain level of education and skills, what do you do when the young students in public schools refuse to work, learn and strive for that level of achievement needed to obtain a normal life, because they know they have already got a handicap against the more affluent schools? How do the lower class citizens compete with the befits of the private education system, and the acknowledgments and accolades that these schools offer, those that end up going into their resumes? Sure as a less fortunate person (and there has been a few) you may be good, or even interested in the job you are going for, but the person whom will end up getting the job, would most likely be the person that went to such and such (better) school.

In a perfect world, animals would even live free without fear. In the real world though, they have to keep a wary eye out for the predator, or they’ll be eaten. That is just the way the world works, it’s that simple. For the week (introvert) and the unwary (uneducated), nature (society) is brutal and cruel, sometimes it is just plain evil. Just like when a mother animal kills her own young, as she senses that nature is not going to supply what is needed to raise her young (there are no free hand outs in the natural world). Although man may not always realize and except it, the same hard, unforgiving laws that rule in the natural world of wild creatures, also rule in human society, except we don’t kill our young if times are hard, even though we probably should.

Mother Nature has a way of taking care of its problems. Because most people do not totally understand nature, they see it as often harsh and cruel, but nature has a way of resolving problems very efficiently before negative actions get out of control (such as our dilemmas we ignore like over using natural resources). In the natural world for example, the overpopulation of Koalas on Kangaroo Island in the 90s was not sustainable, so nature without human intervention corrected the problem in a harsh way, meaning, the weak starved to death and the population started to decline. Nature in the end will solve the problem, no matter how big. If man cannot or doesn't solve his many problems, nature can, and will do it for him, it just becomes a matter of when.

The root of many of our modern social problems, especially those of environmental pollution, is over-population, which is all caused from greed. The earth is becoming so over-populated, populated far beyond what it can naturally tolerate, yet, we keep on breeding as if there is no tomorrow. We think everything that we take from nature is infinite, like coal, oil and forests. We think technology will always save us, this is fallacy. If we don’t solve this problem of overpopulation soon, nature will eventually solve it for us, and it will be cruel. Our forecasted situation is no lesser extent to that of the Easter Island story, other than the amount of people it will affect.

Are our social problems solvable? Many of the problems of this world are caused by the weaknesses, sins, greed of man and the unwillingness to learn from the many past mistakes. But even if you could completely transform all humanity and make everyone good, caring, just, honest, educated and perfect in character, would the world stay, just, fair, caring and honest and without misery? I think the world today is so falsely  calculated and so fake that it is not possible to have a society without injustices and hurt because there will always be the weak and strong and good and evil.

What about all the heartache arising from such things as natural disasters (droughts, floods, tsunamis). These losses to human society cannot be controlled by human intervention other than by reducing population to reduce the tragedy. This solution is to easy, but it is way to immoral for most to even suggest it (we would rather see a young child starving to death, to week to walk, too ill to eat than stop this from even happening through mass birth control strategies). We would rather overreact to terrorism than over react to thousands dying each year to malnutrition. But in a way we are all killing people each day through neglect and greed, but we prefer to conveniently ignore this fact. There is enough wealth to proved for everyone, yet those who have wealth do not wish to give it away.

The visions we see on our TV showing starving children in Africa is a prime example of how overpopulation causes grief. No one really thinks about why these people are starving, most people just put it down to that the country has no money. Money, does not solve problems like this, and in the end, no matter how much money we give this country to reduce the famine, the truth is that the country, the land, cannot support that amount of people. Even if we could help these people now at their current numbers, and give them a good supply of food etc to feed everyone, I would say the population over a few years would increase again to a point that was not sustainable, because these peoples will just keep expanding their population to what they are receiving in aid Both having more children and less children dying). So then it becomes a question of how do they educated/help themselves to better their farming techniques and also reduce the population by way of capping with a one child per family rule just like China (something that goes against capitalist thinking).

Through the ages, many intelligent, well-intentioned, caring people have tried to develop and create social and economic systems that they felt would be more just and fair than any other before them. But all of these people have had weaknesses and shortcomings in their way of social thinking. They didn’t realise that the majority of people just don’t care and are self focused. We all watch TV and or read the news papers, and we see the problems every day. The ones who care can do little, so they have to learn not to care, and that’s the problem in why so many don’t care, the world has become too big, and its problems have become to immense, to hard and unsolvable. It’s just unethically easier to forget about these issues and turn a blind eye and live for today. Reflection and change take much effort, effort many cannot afford or wish to grant.

Everything in our world of greed seems to be coming to a quick and unhappy ending due to all the frustration and wrongdoings of mankind. There seems to be just too many everyday problems that are being avoided and pushed aside, which, as I have said before, is why the Government just throws money around, it’s easier. Most people think that by seeing that the government is spending x amount of money on something, something must be getting done, right! Wrong. An example of this is, every time there is an election, what does the government say they are going to better, jobs, schooling, health and housing (the basics they cannot even get right). For 20 years (since I can remember) politicians have been saying this, yet still today they are still saying that they will grant this amount of money to solve the problem.

Everywhere you turn today, there seems to be increasing sadness, hurt, pain, disrespect, lying, cheating, dishonesty, bulling, crime, abuse, environmental damage, uncaring, neglect, cruelty, race discrimination and hate.

So back to the question; is it possible to create anything even close to a moral social or economic system? I think it could be possible, but it’s very unlikely and very much too late. We needed to wake up, we needed to stop the greed a long time ago, but the cancer has grown and is now incurable without drastic measures.

Culture and community behaviour are closely associated. Varying cultures of different human societies inflict different patterns of social behaviour from basic animal instincts that we all have and are born with. The result will vary from person to person, with animalistic dominant behaviour in some people, and acquired human personalities more evident in the behaviour of others. This could partially be due to the ‘Neanderthal’ man interbreeding with ‘Cro-Magnon’ man, two early species of humanoids, over 30,000 year ago.

You would have met people who behaved in ways that made you feel welcome, and also people who had left you feeling unwelcome and insignificant; well this is instinctual behaviour working. While cultures differ in many ways, there are certain things that all cultures seem to have in one-way or another. These cultural paths include religions, values, games, music, education, leadership, family units, traditions, beliefs etc.

Humans like all other social animals do not automatically learn how to behave appropriately in a social setting. Sociology recognizes that some instinctual drives, such as hunger, thirst, the need to sleep, and so on, do not need much learning. Such drives like these explain only basic behaviour, it cannot explain the complexity of modern human social behaviour. I believe that human social behaviour is something that involves a great deal of education (filling the empty vessels with data), and little of instincts. A child raised by Apes will act like an Ape same as one living with chickens will act like a chicken (research wild children). So if the parents and in some case society fail to teach the child basic social behaviour, what hope has that child got to be a social being? Some studies have shown that a child still in the womb can be open to social experiences.

Studying a bit about Instinct behaviour might help us understand us, the “greedy” human a little better. For this, we can have a look at animal behaviour, which is mostly controlled by instinct. All an animal lives for is breeding, that is all their purpose in life is to reproduce, and everything they do like eating is based around this one goal. They don’t desire grand homes to live in, nor holidays to enjoy or fancy cars to drive. All animals, including us, have an inbuilt program to reproduce, if we don’t reproduce, our species dies out. This goes against evolution.

 Animals don’t learn about how they are to act as much as we do (we act mostly to please others) they use instinctual hierarchal dominance structures (in social groups such as us). They cannot predict what may happen in the future therefore cannot plan, or innovate new and better ways to do things very well, we can, and that’s the difference. You have to remember that we are “just animals” in the broad sense, but we have evolved many complicated social instructions to follow in our life, but really, in the end, just as it is for all other animals, it’s all to do with propagating.

Today, I don’t think that our basic instincts are enough to insure our survival anymore. We have surpassed this level of basic existence and into a controlled and structured system governed by laws. We have become overly complicated in our means and ways. We now need to have advanced technologies such as what we are seeing in farming practices to see us evolve. An animal does not have the choices in life such as we do and they survive on a very basic social structure, the strongest at the top. In the animal world mutations, unhealthy or the elderly do not survive. This is nature ensuring species stay as healthy and strong as they can.

Life itself has no real purpose and no fundamental meaning other than the need to carry on their genetics. It's the ultimate random numbers game. You are alive because your parents had sex, nothing more and nothing less. There is no more purpose to a human life than the life of a dandelion, or goldfish, dog or a fly. Is there a god who created all this? Is that truly as important as the fact that all this is here? We give meaning to life past basic needs. Our purpose is to impress, too be an idol and be idolised. Most of our life is spent doing things that have no natural requirement. Even eating has become something we take for granted. If we are hungry we simply go to the fridge or fast food restaurant and fill our tanks. In the natural world you have to work very hard to get food. 10,000 odd years ago, almost all of our time was hunting and gathering. If the iphone was invented back them our species would have died out as we would have no time to hunt!

Only the actions you choose in life have purpose or meaning. This is only because we assign them “a” purpose and “a” meaning. For instance, work has a purpose because we make it important. By working we can achieve social and cultural imperatives like hierarchical order (as being the strongest no longer gives us status for a male). Nature is done with us in our current form; we are perfect animals that have reached species perfection. It is only now our stupidity that challenges nature. Sharks are a species that have stopped evolving, crocodiles are another. Obviously is the climate changes and or humans die out they may start evolving again.

The theory that human behaviour is not instinctive is further supported by the observations of humans who did not have normal human company during infancy. There have been many reports of children (called Feral Children) who grew up with animals, or were locked up in solitude and thus being deprived of ‘normal’ human interaction and contact. In many of these cases, it was reported that they had not learned how to be a human. They were unable to speak, and some were unable to even walk upright on two legs, they just did not behave as humans normally do. These humans living with animals ate raw meat, defecated where and when the urge came to them, and so on. If there were any human instincts telling them how to act as modern humans, they should have behaved more like modern humans, even without human trainers. This example can be used, instead of animals use parents, if a child grows up with abusive, neglecting and uncaring parents, the characteristics of that child will most likely mimic it’s parents behaviour.

It is a process of cultural socialisation. It’s in all human societies that we teach human behaviour onto young members. An example I observed in relation to cultural characteristics was while watching a engineering documentary about building a train line across America. When the Chinese helped build one side of the railway that joined America east to west (after Americans who started this side quit to chase gold), they did so without creating towns run by crime, prostitution and gambling. On the other side building the train track to meet the Chinese workers were the Americans whom stayed on to build the line. Their dirty, criminal, greedy ways got so bad in their towns that the government had to bring in the use of law and order to solve the unethical problem. Keep in mind here that laws are imposed onto our culture as many fail to act in moral ways. Simply meaning that if humans cannot do the right thing, then laws have to be enforced.
So why were to cultures so different? One culture was based on greed and disrespect, while the other was based on pride and respect. This brings me to the theory that some cultures have good ethics, and some do not. Cultures take many, many years of development, learning and adapting. America was then a country that had no good long term values because it is based on impatient greed and immoral behaviour from people seeking prosperity.

The human infant is a completely helpless creature that needs the support of older humans for a long time. Children learn to walk, talk, and behave appropriately by observing their parents and guardians, and or by other secondary people with whom they come into close contact with. In addition to observation, they are also actively trained to be humans through a system of rewards and punishments. For example, the mother encourages desirable behaviour by smiling at or hugging the infant if they do something good. Undesirable behaviour may be punished with a frown, a loud shout, smack or otherwise. This process is called socialisation, a process that transforms the infant into a social person.
Not only do we learn physical things like walking and talking, but also such concepts as right and wrong, suitable ways of dealing with people, and so forth. This initial socialisation by those intimate with the infant is the primary training to which exerts a lifelong influence on the person. If a child has no good teaches who are teaching good socialisation skills, how do you think that child is going to grow?
I use this test I thought up when talking to other people to see what they think humans would be like without parental guidance: If scientists put 20 young children, 15 females and 5 males, onto a island and left them alone without any outside contact at all for 30 years (meaning they had no past generations knowledge to learn from) what would you find when you went back after the 30 years? I believe that they would be no more intelligent than primitive cavemen. They would have their own basic language of noises and instinctual social structure, which would be dominated by the Alfa male. I also doubt that they would even be able to develop fire or even create shelter. In reality, most of them if not all would have died in this experiment as they would not know what to eat, how to make shelter etc. The argumentative point I was making was simply proving that with no human interaction or education the human children are as fragile as any other animal left to defend itself in the natural world.

Our children have no idea what they are in for as they face this false un-natural existence!
During a typical person's life, he or she is likely to interact much more with strangers than with family members, school being the prime example here. This would require skills different from those needed for dealing with intimate family members. A process of secondary socialisation occurs when one begins to deal with others such as teachers, classmates, workmates and any other members of society.

Even television, radio and the computer, are now all playing a part in teaching secondary socialisation (which we will start to see the effects of soon by way of losing direct contact). The social conditioning of its members by society is likely to be a completely new experience compared to the socialisation in a family environment. This secondary socialisation is very important because it determines whether we are socially successful or not, whether we can get along well with others of our society and whether we become shy and introverted. If one does not know how to deal with non-family members, their lives could become intolerable, as they will have to deal with much anxiety and social phobias, which can lead to other mental problems like depression.
So, in a world changing fast, and in a world getting smaller, I feel unique culture is rapidly being lost and forgotten. The collective insight I get from my research is that culture and social expectations are quickly being forgotten and replaced with laziness and the inability to support the family unit, and if you lose the family, how can we keep our society. Take the train line example I used. If our world and ways are resembling the USA, then its little wonder why the world needs more laws and control. This is the price of freedom and independence.

As you have no choice to be born and to that argument, even if you want to be brought into this world, you are forced out into the world and into the hands of a stranger, the true first insight to a life of being a human, that being; forced to be amongst strangers and to be manipulated into conformity (humanisation).

So as a newborn, you encounter your first experiences of life with the struggles and frustration of this strange and alien world you have just entered. The first real battle you’ll have as you adjust is a life or death situation, your first gulp of air. You only have a few seconds to start to breathe on your own, but if you are lucky, you will have doctors there to clear your airways, tip you upside down and fill your little lungs with the most important part of survival, air.

Over the next few years, life is fairly uncomplicated. You’ll learn that when you cry and make a fuss, you will be waited on and your empty stomach will be filled and your pants will be changed. You will not understand at this young age that this care will be freely given always. 

The first thing you need to really learn in becoming a civilised human is language. This is most important, as you will need to be able to understand all that data and information being pumped into your empty vessels. The struggle and frustrations of making sense of and interpreting this constant flow of all those new sounds into separate ones, and figuring out the meanings being communicated will grant you the ability to gain knowledge. You will spend years on this complex task and you will sometimes wonder how long it will take before you learn all the meanings of all the big words adults use. With much effort, you will slowly discover the meanings of more and more words, and become able to use them for yourself to communicate and to one day pass that gift of giving data back. 

After a few more years, you will go to school and learn how to read, write, calculate with numbers etc, you will also start to learn that life is not all about being waited on every time you cry. You’ll find out that there are many others crying out for the same attention and that now to get that attention you will have to compete. This is the stage you start to think of ways to ensure you come first. You will cheat, lie, steal and trick others through persuasion to get to your goals. 

With passing years, you will encounter all the many things that are part and parcel of this bizarre and mostly unethical world you came into. Things like selfishness, malice, envy, jealousy, pride, anger, lust, bias, hatred, violence, greed, deceit, lies, etc, which is everything that will make you into someone successful in this world.

You will encounter obstacle after obstacle and test after test. You will encounter temptation after temptation to do the wrong thing, and to go the wrong way. You will find that there is often an easier way and a harder way, with the easy way being the wrong way, and the hard way the right way. You will see that one can lie, cheat and steal their way through life, and that many people will take that path as it is easier. Life itself is a game of survival of the fittest and you need to be tough and smarter than the rest to succeed. You will find that lies, deceit and badness to really reign supreme in this world, and that the world is filled with people who live without ethics, principles, virtues and respect. These are the people who live by preying on others; those weaker ones for which the need to stand up on.

Life will have many directions, but unfortunately you will often get lost.

Life will have and take many unknown directions, and more often than not, unfortunately, you will lose your way.

You will find yourself at the mercy of social systems, human organisations and institutions (e.g. school systems), and realise and learn that they have the potential for doing you more harm than good. These systems will humanise you. But you will mostly only learn this after it’s too late, because age brings wisdom and at this point of young age you were to young and naive to know or want to know any better. You will find it to be a world full of danger and uncertainty. You will harshly learn that there are very few people in this world that you can really trust. Most people stick to those who can help them, not to those whom they can help. Through school, you will learn that you are very much alone in this life, and that you must pick your way through life with great care and caution. You will really have think about which road is best to take as there are no maps for you to look at and plan ahead.

You’ll learn that you will have to give your time away for a reward (money) that offers you the chance to have the things that are not really important to basic survival needs, but are needed to gain respect. You’ll probably end up getting married and having kids, and then you will have to give up more of your time; meaning that your life will become a life of slavery to both work and your children. You will spend all your working life dreaming of one day being free from all the control that has locked you into a normal humanised life. This feeling is the same for you as for a prisoner waiting to be freed after 60 years in jail.

After you have lived, or should I say existed, you will be left with all the memories that cannot be erased, that is of course unless you get Alzheimer’s disease. You’ll spend a lot of your retirement time reflecting back on all the choices you did or did not make, and that whatever way you look at it, you’ll mostly say you could have done it better and that you would love a second chance. That’s the problem with humans, we get smarter as we get older, how stupid is that, we need to become smarter younger, not smarter older, so we can make good choices not bad choices early. 

You’ll be left wondering if all the heartaches were really worth it, what really was the purpose of it all, and wonder if all the things you brought through your life that were paid with by your slavery, actually made you that happy. You’ll be wondering why the kids don’t call you anymore (because they hate you for bringing them into this world as well) and the only person who listens to you and all your problems is the deaf old person laying next to you, in ward 4 room 190.

Living your life to its fullest as an individual should be in itself the essence of your liberty. You should want to be completely free from social pressures and guidance. You should guide your own life, based from your own chosen values, not pressured to accept “normal social” ways of others. You should view yourself as an independent, possessing a unique, distinctive moral for well being, one that you should carefully craft from your own inner voices, not shaped by society like a piece of molded clay to make you humanised.

As an adult, you should full-fill social obligations from your own judgment, not from of a sense of "social duty" as this is extrinsic motivation. Most people submit to and accept government and social restrictions to their own liberty because they believe that in doing so is responsible and safe. The government and business likes us to think we have no choices and that we are better off being guided by so called systems and mechanistic controls. Systems and controls prepared by expert professionals to conform us.

Following your own mind does not mean that you can cut yourself off from society completely, as this is nearly impossible to do in the bigger picture of society, it means dealing with social acceptance on your own terms and conditions, and with divergent idiosyncratic thinking can cause many problems. In that regard, as open-minded as you may become, you can reverse the common relationship you feel between individuals and society. Instead of seeing other people as competitors and adjusting yourself to "fit in" with the crowd, see yourself as more. On that basis, you can determine which (if any), people you want to interact with, based on what morals they have, follow and live by.

These days it seems that more and more people are expecting excellence and perfection above their own ethics. We are socially taught from a very young age that failure is no option and that second will cost you. Whether it's within our careers, family, friends and acquaintances, or simply the daily routines of life, the pressures to succeed are always there; to be better than the next person regardless if it is your neighbours, your workmates our family. Society is constantly knocking at our door, and even if we try to shut it out, it finds other ways to gain entry. What I find though is that society itself as a whole is not keeping up with its own expectations and ideals for a distant goal. We (not all) are wanting far more than what we need, and we have to ask ourselves; why is this? My answer to this question is for acceptance, money and power. These are the thing we are educated about from day one. Greed is the universal trait that governs our success.

Before I was forced to realise that I wanted to seek my independence from normal social control, I felt like a robot, going through the motions but having no real control over my own destination. My social expectations were being guided, manipulated and taught by the teachings of many others. My mind and the door to individualism was being slowly sealed shut from the time I was born so as to fit into the common conformity of humanity. I knew something was missing from my life from a very young age. I was always a bit aloof to commonality. That something as it turned out after all these years, was my primal innate instinct to be liberated.

I have now found my own philosophy of independent living, but I must say, I have paid the social price and will continue to until such time that I fall back asleep (I am now awake). I do not, nor want to, follow social groups, social authorities, or social conventions, as I have not seen much evidence that we are morally civilised. We are way too immature and naive to even bestow any intellectual intelligence unto us as a thinking and creative being. Almost everything we have done is for the worse. My philosophy causes conflict, as society/government do not like liberated individuals who reason outside general community thinking. I like to think that I follow my own mind as much as I can these days, and if I can get away with that, I do feel a sense of pride and self-worth, which to me, is more than anyone can acquire through debt or being manipulated.

My own independent judgment is the source of all of my beliefs and actions. People are free to try to persuade me into beliefs and “so called normal ways” of thinking, but you, whether you are a businessperson, politician, or just general society, are not free to “force” me. I have done nothing to harm you or change your way of living, and in return, I demand only one thing, that you respect my right to be me, and my desire to be free. Furthermore, I should have a right to act in whatever manner I wish, so long as I refrain from interfering with anyone else’s freedoms or ideals. My body is mine, my freedom is mine, and most of all; my mind is mine.

Remember you always have yourself for a friend when all others have left after there is nothing left to take.

We have all been manipulated and controlled for most of our lives, made and shaped to suit others. This control, for me, was and still is a driving force for me to be independent. Others can have their interdependence, but I can stand tall on my own two feet. I have never liked to follow rules, or follow what has already been done, because for me it’s just was not right. I say “We mock sheep when they all follow each other and jump from a cliff; but w are to stupid to see we are no different”. 

If I want to do something that does not harm or interfere with anyone or anything of their value, who has the right to take that choice from me. If I choose to live outside of society, why is there nowhere for me to legally stay for free. You see, I am a victim as much as a prisoner in jail, but my walls. Just like yours are transparent and designed not to be seen by the majority. I say “put a normal law abiding person in a real jail, and watch their despair, this is what I feel”.

We follow an ancient script that is designed to keep us in a wall-less prison. We follow these laws, these rules, that were written to keep the majority in control, yet we seem to be on a continuous downhill spiral...why? Well, I believe that until we bridge the many gaps in society, and stop desiring wealth and power, things will never change. I think many would be shocked at what goes on within the confinements of the white walls (Government), and if we could go back in time to see the type of individuals that prepared these laws that were mostly introduced to accommodate their disgusting cruel acts of greed and self interest, many would realise that we are nothing more than victims to our own gods (Government/big business).

I like most have just gone along with the writing written in the leather-coated books, but this has got me nowhere because of who I am as an individual. I have watched our leaders do just enough to ease our manipulated brainwashed minds into making us believe that we live on a wonderful spec of dust amongst millions. Because we have an evolved brain that make us feel superior within an environment that lets us be at the top of the food chain, does not grant us the luxury of being called smart. Yes we do live on a wonderful spec of dust, but we’re very quickly changing this into a dumping ground full of our garbage.

Social control is persuaded to us in numerous ways to ensure that people conform and accepted patterns of behaviour. It all starts in school, where we are taught by teachers, who in turn have been taught by textbook Governmental standards (curriculum). Breaking out of society's norms usually invites negative responses from our community peers, such as out-casting, ostracism, abhorrence, judgmental perceptions, or even revulsion. If you don't know how to play the role expected of you as a “normal” humanised being and find your place in society, you can be labelled mad, eccentric or mentally handicapped, just like many ‘great’ people before such as Diogenes.

Adhering to social norms, following laws and playing your roles correctly, can certainly ensure that you will be rewarded with popularity, success and or even a high status in your society, but remember always that you are you, and that you need to stop, reflect and appreciate your existence, because even around others, you will always need the comfort of your own understanding of who you are. Try not to be shaped to much as you will look very unfamiliar the next time you really look at yourself.