
I am going to try to reveal the beauty of the monster I see, the dragon under our beds that grows without people seeing it!

We perceive our world, our way of living, as wonderful because there is nothing else to distinguish ourselves with, there is no other world we see. One lives in this world, the globalized world of high technology and science fed by greed of wants, all one can see is one layer of commodity piled upon another. In our constructed world, the "original" is from the reproduction of quality; no reproduction is at best quality. Hence copies are copies of copies based from an original that is slowly fading in quality. The original is innocence, the state, quality, or fact of being innocent of a crime or offence..are we capable of that?

There seems to be little, if no ability to see beyond the now. We have to ungracefully acknowledge and blindfully accepted that we have encased ourselves in such an artificial environment that the reality of our future predicament is almost unrecoverable due to our capitalist culture, which we feed. We do not live in harmony with nature any longer; we live way above it. Nature has become the slave to our imperfection.


Pursuing truth, carries the risk that will not be pleasant to many, which seems to be always the case, such as the main photo background image of Socrates Death. There is no joy in exploring the source of disturbing social changes. Despair is the over-riding feeling that accompanies the principle that humanity is plummeting into a new dark age...the lose of self and of worth, both as an individual and social member.

I started writing my mind back in 2001, but my thoughts have been there since a child as I observed the world around me, and too become a involuntary member of the machine. I have not read many books as really did not want to be lead by other thoughts and ideas, but have done much random investigation into some of the thinking of those who wrote. It gives me some contentment to see my thoughts seem typical with some of those, and my thinking is one trying to understand..what is a human and it place in the world. I have been kind, preferred to help others, yet others have forced me into not wanting to have much to do with others. They steal, lie, put down and ignore to protect this true nature of most..ignorance over innocence?

A short visionary view of future - Mark Donnelly

We have been told untruths all our lives. Reality is not at all what we have perceived it to be. We are told we live on a wonderful world, a world that would last forever, this was once truth, but is a lie. This wonderful world is turning bad and dying, just like the story of Easter Island where man destroyed themselves there, the powers to be are hiding the same willful ignorance I ask?

We cannot survive any longer by hanging onto the dishonesty of the past. Reality of life and living must be distinguished at all costs if we are to be a part of the future. Truth must succeed in all instances, no matter whom it hurts or helps, if we are to continue to live and survive on this earth as a species, we need to learn from the mistakes of the past no matter how hard the journey. At this point of truth, what we want may no longer matter, wealth may not matter, recognition may not matter, and status may not matter. It is what we must do to ensure our survival that counts. The old ways, the current ways, and the mapped future ways, is in the sure course of destruction.

If we do not act in synergy with each other and our environment and ensure that the future becomes what we need it to be, then we will surely deserve whatever fate awaits us, and this anticipated fate as I see it, will be that we will fall on our sorry ass with no-one to blame but ourselves.

It seems all too easy to think we can just change the course we’re heading, but man is lazy.

“We can change our psyche quick, but to change ones attribute, takes time” MD, by this I mean, we think about the global problems when we see them on TV etc and think we can and will change how we do things, but the next day we just keep on doing what we’ve always done and we soon forget what yesterday showed us as we are wrapped up in the now.

Each one of us has to participate in the reduction of the things that are bringing this world to an end, we could stop driving fuel-guzzling cars now, but we don’t, we could use more environmentally friendly power, but we don’t, we could control population, but we don’t, we could stop deforestation, but we don’t. We are currently too comfortable to care about the future and you want that new thing...sorry future 
I once read a saying “never kill off your host” well just as a parasite kills off its host, we humans are killing off our host…earth.

This Site is no where near complete and many topics have not been added yet, and all just draft...


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I am an innocent man!