As you have no choice to be born and to that argument, even if you want to be brought into this world, you are forced out into the world and into the hands of a stranger, the true first insight to a life of being a human, that being; forced to be amongst strangers and to be manipulated into conformity (humanisation).

So as a newborn, you encounter your first experiences of life with the struggles and frustration of this strange and alien world you have just entered. The first real battle you’ll have as you adjust is a life or death situation, your first gulp of air. You only have a few seconds to start to breathe on your own, but if you are lucky, you will have doctors there to clear your airways, tip you upside down and fill your little lungs with the most important part of survival, air.

Over the next few years, life is fairly uncomplicated. You’ll learn that when you cry and make a fuss, you will be waited on and your empty stomach will be filled and your pants will be changed. You will not understand at this young age that this care will be freely given always. 

The first thing you need to really learn in becoming a civilised human is language. This is most important, as you will need to be able to understand all that data and information being pumped into your empty vessels. The struggle and frustrations of making sense of and interpreting this constant flow of all those new sounds into separate ones, and figuring out the meanings being communicated will grant you the ability to gain knowledge. You will spend years on this complex task and you will sometimes wonder how long it will take before you learn all the meanings of all the big words adults use. With much effort, you will slowly discover the meanings of more and more words, and become able to use them for yourself to communicate and to one day pass that gift of giving data back. 

After a few more years, you will go to school and learn how to read, write, calculate with numbers etc, you will also start to learn that life is not all about being waited on every time you cry. You’ll find out that there are many others crying out for the same attention and that now to get that attention you will have to compete. This is the stage you start to think of ways to ensure you come first. You will cheat, lie, steal and trick others through persuasion to get to your goals. 

With passing years, you will encounter all the many things that are part and parcel of this bizarre and mostly unethical world you came into. Things like selfishness, malice, envy, jealousy, pride, anger, lust, bias, hatred, violence, greed, deceit, lies, etc, which is everything that will make you into someone successful in this world.

You will encounter obstacle after obstacle and test after test. You will encounter temptation after temptation to do the wrong thing, and to go the wrong way. You will find that there is often an easier way and a harder way, with the easy way being the wrong way, and the hard way the right way. You will see that one can lie, cheat and steal their way through life, and that many people will take that path as it is easier. Life itself is a game of survival of the fittest and you need to be tough and smarter than the rest to succeed. You will find that lies, deceit and badness to really reign supreme in this world, and that the world is filled with people who live without ethics, principles, virtues and respect. These are the people who live by preying on others; those weaker ones for which the need to stand up on.

Life will have many directions, but unfortunately you will often get lost.

Life will have and take many unknown directions, and more often than not, unfortunately, you will lose your way.

You will find yourself at the mercy of social systems, human organisations and institutions (e.g. school systems), and realise and learn that they have the potential for doing you more harm than good. These systems will humanise you. But you will mostly only learn this after it’s too late, because age brings wisdom and at this point of young age you were to young and naive to know or want to know any better. You will find it to be a world full of danger and uncertainty. You will harshly learn that there are very few people in this world that you can really trust. Most people stick to those who can help them, not to those whom they can help. Through school, you will learn that you are very much alone in this life, and that you must pick your way through life with great care and caution. You will really have think about which road is best to take as there are no maps for you to look at and plan ahead.

You’ll learn that you will have to give your time away for a reward (money) that offers you the chance to have the things that are not really important to basic survival needs, but are needed to gain respect. You’ll probably end up getting married and having kids, and then you will have to give up more of your time; meaning that your life will become a life of slavery to both work and your children. You will spend all your working life dreaming of one day being free from all the control that has locked you into a normal humanised life. This feeling is the same for you as for a prisoner waiting to be freed after 60 years in jail.

After you have lived, or should I say existed, you will be left with all the memories that cannot be erased, that is of course unless you get Alzheimer’s disease. You’ll spend a lot of your retirement time reflecting back on all the choices you did or did not make, and that whatever way you look at it, you’ll mostly say you could have done it better and that you would love a second chance. That’s the problem with humans, we get smarter as we get older, how stupid is that, we need to become smarter younger, not smarter older, so we can make good choices not bad choices early. 

You’ll be left wondering if all the heartaches were really worth it, what really was the purpose of it all, and wonder if all the things you brought through your life that were paid with by your slavery, actually made you that happy. You’ll be wondering why the kids don’t call you anymore (because they hate you for bringing them into this world as well) and the only person who listens to you and all your problems is the deaf old person laying next to you, in ward 4 room 190.